Kyle & Hedieh

March 15th, 2014

Our Story

On February 26, 2011, Kyle says he fell in love at first sight. Hedieh smiles shyly and admits she felt the same. February 26th was the day that both of their lives would change forever. Kyle and Hedieh met on a ski trip. They spent the day skiing on different slopes in perfect Tahoe powder. Midway through the day, Kyle got trapped up to his neck in a tree well that took him two hours to dig free from. Meanwhile, unaware of the situation, Hedieh had decided to call it a half day and enjoy cocktails at the resort lounge. When they reconnected in the lounge, they swapped adventure stories like old friends and the chemistry was surreal. The rest of that night was spent sipping on wine, listening to Gotan Project, and talking all night by a cozy fire. All it took was one meeting for Kyle and Hedieh to become inseperable. Three years later on March 15th, 2014, they will start a new chapter of their eternal fairytale in a secret garden with all of their dearest family and friends.


Wedding Party


Simah Bargzie

Simah and I met when I was 15, and re-connected one sunny day at Americano over wine 8 years later. It felt like we always knew each other and the trust was instantly there. Friends like Simah are rare and don't come often. I can always count on Simah to give me quality advice, have my back when I most need her, and make me smile over a glass of Syrah on any given night. Her heart is pure gold and her intelligence, beauty, and sophistication is unmatched. She may have 5 blood sisters, but she's always treated me like another in her family. Oh, just don't put us in charge of directions together otherwise you may be waiting a while. ;)

Morvarid Noorivaziri

Mory and I have known each other for as long as I can remember, we met right after high school and shortly after became inseparable. She is the only person that can take my full attention on text, over the phone, or just sitting on a couch for hours straight and keep me fully engaged and entertained. So much so that we actually had a full date night just texting back and forth one night and had a blast... I know... When we hang out, which is often, it's always a new adventure, new laugh, new outfit, and more memories to treasure. We also concluded a few years ago that our ancestors back in Shiraz are connected, which makes us cousins.

Laura Moreno

Laly and I met about 6 years ago when she approached me during a party at the Xyz bar - W hotel. She asked me if I was a model and invited me to model for her next fashion show. Since that night Laly has been my glitter, sparkles, and rock. We do everything together and trust each other like family. She is always happy, believes strongly in making everything you do fun, and throws one hell of a party. Our friendship continues to evolve and grow, but I can say that I'm lucky to have found a best friend for life.

Alice Chang

Alice and I met through mutual friends back in college. We instantly connected and she became my weekend party buddy. Every friday she'd pack her stuff up, come over to my apartment and we would start the weekend off right! Alice is trustworthy, and a great mediator - she knows how to treat her friends and has always been a special person in my life. She's my tall - asian - doctor - barbie doll. Our bond is not breakable and no matter how long it goes between seeing each other we can pick up the phone and pick right back up at anytime.

Kera Hagan

I met Kera through Alice, even though I instantly thought she was gorgeous and smart - I wasn't sure our personalities meshed. It was when I finally got to know her that I realized how compatible we are as friends and how amazing of a person she is. Kera has the strongest sense of self I've ever seen in anyone. She's a wonderful friend, and would drive any distance or do anything for her friends because she is loyal. Throughout the years, Kera and I have created memories in Miami, LA, and SF, and I can't wait to have her stand next to me when I get married!

Lena Ameri

Lena was the first person I met during orientation at UCLA. She is the blue eyed, black haired girl in a tie dye dress that instantly became my partner in crime, best friend, and family throughout college. We experienced what has turned out to be some of the most important years of our lives - together. Whether we were blasting and singing along to Arabic music while driving down Sunset Blvd, cheering each other up with candy and DD reese, taking dance breaks at the library (and during red lights), or conquering LA together, it was all done together and that's what made it memorable.

Leslie Gantan

Leslie and I met at a birthday party years ago through mutual friends. She had the most bubbly, infectious personality and her positive energy quickly drew me to her. Our friendship started off with dress up fashion parties through Laly and gradually turned into a solid connection. When Leslie met Paul, the four of us quickly realized that we have a lot of common interests and the bond became even tighter. What two couples can enjoy first class dining and wining into the night after a 12 mile run, 8,610 ft above ground level with mud, ice, and electricity all in the same day? Me, my girl Leslie, and our men can and manage to laugh off the pain the next day. I'll be standing in her wedding this month and feel honored to have her be a part of my beginning next year.

Sadia Mirza

The day I met Sadia we had a 30 minute conversation all about eyebrows. I started spotting her around campus at UCLA frequently, and eventually we realized we needed to be friends. Sadia has been my study buddy, cuddle buddy, and fellow post finals UCLA run kitty kat (yes, we have dressed up as cats and frolicked on campus before) during some of the best years of our lives.


Noah Randolph
My brother Noah and I have a very close bond. We've traveled to Costa Rica and Ireland together, crusing through lush, tropical mountains to a volcano. I've learned a lot from Noah's worldly view acquired from years of globetrotting, as well as his compassion for others.
Ola Nordstrom

Ola and I met our senior year at Georgia Tech. After moving down to Fort Lauderdale for work, I was asked to find some new people to join the team. My first thought was to call the smartest guy I knew in college, Ola. We've shared years of good times at the gym, the beach, and plenty of bars. We've spoken on stage together to a big room filled with nerds and co-wrote a book together in record time. Ola also owns the blame for introducing me my favorite cult of fitness, Crossfit.

Brandon Olekas

Brandon joined Ola and me in Fort Lauderdale after finishing at Georgia Tech. Always the partier, Brandon has always had my back for anything I needed. Pool parties, dinner parties, birthday parties, beach parties, or even ghetto parties, Brandon ensures that they've all been over the top. I miss our daily 300-inspired workouts, blasting Pantera, pumping our scrawny muscles, and cracking countless Arnold jokes.

Steve Hantman

Steve and I earned our MBAs as a team, meeting every third weekend in a resort conference room. After putting in countless hours in classes and studying, we would cruise around Fort Lauderdale and Miami, sometimes on Steve's boat. Steve has been an outstanding friend and the source of much wisdom.

Ed Acle

Ed and I embarked on a multi-year whirlwind tour of destruction across South Beach, leaving no bar or lounge untouched. More recently we've matured into great friends who pass the time sipping whiskey on the porch.

Justin Silver

Justin and I both left high school after 10th grade to get a head start on college. We were freshman buddies and caused a lot of dorm mischief for the sake of a laugh. Several years later, Justin introduced me to San Francisco when I moved there and didn't know anyone. I admire Justin's accomplishment of a 4-hour-work-week so that he can spend as many days as possible snowboarding and traveling all over the Americas.

Chris Vale

Chris and I were instant best buddies when we met at the GT Alumni's weekly football viewing at a San Francisco bar, usually at 9am. We grill together. Chris has a unique enthusiasm for whatever the problem is at hand, and if I ever need someone to debug a live Saturn V rocket, he'll be the guy to call.

Andrei Karkar

Andrei and I frequently hung out at the same spots in SF, and evenutally met through mutual friends. Through those same mutual friends, I was fortunate enough to meet Hedieh. I like that Andrei has much to say on a wide variety of topics like art, traveling, and investing.


Ceremony and Reception

Saturday, March 15th at 6:00pm
Vizcaya Gardens
3251 S Miami Ave
Miami, FL 33129
Get Directions






Fly into either Fort Lauderdale (FLL) or Miami (MIA) airports.


Grove Isle Hotel & Spa
4 Grove Isle Dr
Miami, FL 33133
(305) 858-8300
Get Directions

Mention the Randolph & Haghighi Wedding to get the special group rate:

Luxury Bay
Luxury Bayfront
Grand Luxury Bay
Grand Luxury Bayfront
2889 McFarlane Road
Miami, FL 33133
(305) 529-2828
Get Directions

Click this link or call and mention the Randolph & Haghighi Wedding (Code 0314HAGHIG) to get the special group rate of $209

You also have plenty of hotels nearby to choose from, check for deals. We recommend the Residence Inn, Conrad, Viceroy are all nearby. If you want to stay on South Beach, check out the Standard or Mondrian.
